UNITLIFE-ONOMO-Koosmik: the winning trio to protect the next generation

In Africa, chronic malnutrition affects 1 in every 3 children, limiting their future’s health and prosperity. Yet, it remains little known and underfunded.
This unique partnership aims to tackle this issue by bringing visibility to the disease and collecting micro-donations.

ONOMO hotels will inform and mobilize its young and dynamic clientele through a variety of events and communications; Koosmik will provide an innovative platform to donate to UNITLIFE, using digital payment solutions; and UNITLIFE will collect the funds to finance projects empowering mothers to provide their children with good and healthy nutrition.

About the partners:

Created in 2009, ONOMO Hotels has opened 22 hotels in thirteen countries on the African continent. Unveiling a true passion for the art of African hospitality, ONOMO is immersed in the culture of each country where it operates and is committed in local initiatives, being more than a simple business actor.

Koosmik is a pan-African financial service provider operating in several countries in sub-Saharan Africa. By developing applications and payment solutions adapted for each country, Koosmik promotes financial inclusion and empowers individuals and professionals, by helping them manage their expenses and transfer money in real-time.

Check out the platform

What is chronic malnutrition?

Children who do not receive the nutrients they need during the first 1,000 days of their life (through a women’s pregnancy and until the child’s second birthday) suffer from chronic malnutrition. The consequences of chronic malnutrition – stunted growth, impaired brain development, and a weakened immune system - are largely irreversible, preventing affected children from reaching their full potential.