Inclusive Digital Economies and Gender Equality Playbook
The Inclusive Digital Economies & Gender Playbook is a practical how-to guide on leveraging the market system development approach to decrease the digital and financial divide for women and girls, use technology to improve women’s economic opportunities, and to help to transform women into builders of emerging digital economies.
It contains a wealth of research on the common constraints faced by women in least developed and emerging economies, and concrete examples of interventions that can address those constraints.
The playbook brings together research and practice by many of the leading organizations working to achieve financial inclusion and gender equality.
The Playbook highlights decades of expertise and learning shared by development organizations, and draws on UNCDF’s experience using a market development approach to identify market constraints to gender equality, with a focus on women’s digital and financial inclusion.
The aim of this version of the playbook is to serve as a handy reference that lays out the market constraints for women and the potential interventions to address them. The playbook highlights interventions, or plays, that can be used individually or together to address constraints. It combines innovative new approaches with tried-and-tested methods that can be replicated in new markets.
It is intended to be a living document that evolves with experience. It should serve as a starting point for dialogues, programme design and planning at the country and programme levels. This should be regarded as a working draft and further feedback is welcome.
The Inclusive Digital Economies & Gender Playbook was developed by Nandini Harihareswara, Senior Advisor on Gender Equality and Women’s Economic Empowerment, UN Capital Development Fund, with assistance from Anushree Deb and Rose Payne. This tool was produced through the Women As Builders of Inclusive Digital Economies approach within UNCDF.
Read Full Publication HERE.