The UNCDF, through its flagship programme: “Jobs, Skills and Finance (JSF) for Women and Youth Programme" in The Gambia (JSF Programme), funded by the European Union, is supporting the Government of The Gambia to contribute to the stabilization of the economic, social and security situation of the country during the democratic transition.
The first edition of the programme's quarterly newsletter series highlights the achievements, challenges, and results of the programme in The Gambia. The programme aims to create sustainable and equal employment opportunities for youth and women, improve and make more accessible Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), skills development and apprenticeship opportunities, and improve the regulatory framework of the financial sector. As part of the JSF Programme, UNCDF is also implementing the Local Climate Adaptive Living (LoCAL) Facility in The Gambia. LoCAL is designed to help governments channel global climate adaptation financing to the local level. The Facility's innovative performance-based climate resilience grant (PBCRG) approach is used in The Gambia to support communities with finance for climate-proofed investments and green jobs