Accountability and Oversight

Social and Environmental Compliance Review and Stakeholder Response Mechanism

Complying with the highest standards

A comprehensive framework that aims to guarantee that all programmes, operations, and investments consistently meet the most stringent social and environmental compliance standards

The Social and Environmental Compliance Review and Stakeholder Response Mechanism of the UN Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) is a comprehensive framework that aims to guarantee that all UNCDF's programmes, operations, and investments consistently meet the most stringent social and environmental compliance standards. This mechanism serves a dual purpose: it not only ensures adherence to regulations and best practices but also offers a platform for stakeholders to express their concerns and actively participate in the ongoing enhancement of UNCDF's programs and projects.

With its unique mandate and focus on the LDCs

Focusing on Least Developed Countries, UNCDF invests and catalyzes capital to support sustainable growth and inclusiveness in line with global development agendas. To ensure the highest social and environmental standards, UNCDF has implemented the Social and Environmental Compliance Review and Stakeholder Response Mechanism. This comprehensive framework maintains adherence to regulations, best practices, and provides a platform for stakeholders to voice concerns and contribute to UNCDF's continuous improvement.

Through this mechanism, UNCDF addresses potential social and environmental risks using a rigorous compliance review process, stakeholder engagement, and adherence to internationally recognized standards. It fosters open dialogue and collaboration, ensuring stakeholders' insights are considered in decision-making processes, leading to improved social and environmental outcomes. Ultimately, this mechanism upholds high compliance standards and aligns UNCDF's work with global sustainable development goals, promoting a more inclusive and responsible future for all.


Commitment to Social and Environmental Compliance

Ensuring that our work is aligned with internationally recognized standards, such as the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the SDGs

At UNCDF, we recognize the significance of social and environmental considerations in achieving sustainable development. We are committed to mainstreaming these principles into all aspects of our development work. Our Social and Environmental Compliance Review ensures that our initiatives align with internationally recognized standards, such as the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


Social and Environmental Compliance Review Process

Conducting thorough due diligence and risk assessments to identify potential risks and opportunities for positive social and environmental outcomes

Our compliance review process involves a comprehensive assessment of the potential social and environmental impacts associated with UNCDF-supported projects and programs. We conduct thorough due diligence and risk assessments to identify potential risks and opportunities for positive social and environmental outcomes. This process includes engaging with relevant stakeholders, conducting site visits and utilizing expert resources in order to evaluate compliance with applicable laws, regulations and international standards.


Stakeholder Engagement and Consultation

Ensuring that the voices of affected communities, civil society organizations, local authorities, and other relevant stakeholders are taken into account

We value the perspectives and inputs of our stakeholders and recognize their role in shaping our work. Through meaningful engagement and consultation, we seek to ensure that the voices of affected communities, civil society organizations, local authorities, and other relevant stakeholders are taken into account. By involving stakeholders in our decision-making processes, we can enhance the social and environmental outcomes of our projects and programmes.


Complaint Mechanism

A platform for individuals and communities to report any perceived social or environmental non-compliance, or raise concerns regarding the impacts of our projects

UNCDF maintains a transparent and accessible complaint mechanism to address concerns and grievances related to our activities. This mechanism provides a platform for individuals and communities to report any perceived social or environmental non-compliance, or raise concerns regarding the impacts of our projects. We are committed to treating all complaints seriously, ensuring confidentiality and conducting impartial investigations.

To submit a complaint, please complete the designated online form. We encourage complainants to provide as much detail as possible, including supporting evidence, to facilitate our review process. We commit to acknowledging receipt of complaints promptly and conducting investigations in a timely and fair manner. Following the investigation, we will communicate the findings and any actions taken to address the concerns raised.

Submit A Complaint

The investigations hotline, managed by an independent service provider on behalf of UNCDF/UNDP to protect confidentiality, can be directly accessed worldwide and free of charge in different ways:

(You will be redirected to an independent third-party site.)


Click here for worldwide numbers (interpreters available 24 hours/day)
Call +1-844-595-5206 in the USA


Email directly to:


Executive Secretary
United Nations Capital Development Fund
Two UN Plaza, DC2, 26th Floor
New York, NY 10017 USA


Continuous improvement and transparency

Reviewing and enhancing our policies, guidelines and processes based on lessons learned and emerging best practices

UNCDF is dedicated to continuous improvement in our social and environmental performance. We regularly review and enhance our policies, guidelines and processes based on lessons learned and emerging best practices. We are committed to transparency and will provide periodic updates on the outcomes of our compliance reviews, stakeholder engagement initiatives and complaint resolutions.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, feedback, or concerns related to social and environmental compliance, stakeholder engagement, or the complaint mechanism, please don't hesitate to contact us. UNCDF values your input and strives to ensure a meaningful and constructive dialogue with all stakeholders.

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