
Official Launch of "Access To Finance" (A2F) in Nepal

  • December 27, 2017


The Government of Nepal’s Central Bank- the Nepal Rastra Bank signed a 5-year long project called Support to Financial Inclusion in Nepal through the Access To Finance (A2F) with UNCDF on 25 March 2014, for a total amount of over 8 million USD funded by UNCDF and DANIDA. The Project will be nationally implemented by the Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB), Government of Nepal (GON) with UNCDF providing technical advisory services and implementing some activities delegated by NRB.

A2F aims at providing support to financial institutions to improve their technical knowledge in agricultural finance and expand their products and services to rural areas and agricultural activities. This will allow additional 250,000 small holder farmers, and Micro Small Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) out of which at least 55% are women, to actively use appropriate and affordable financial services to support their value chain activities at a national level.

The project focuses on seven Eastern Development Region (EDR) districts of Nepal, namely Ilam, Paanchthar, Terhathum, Bhojpur, Dhankuta, Taplejung, and Sankhwasabha.

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  • Publish Date:
    April 08, 2014