Delivering Formal Financial Services to Savings Groups and Their Members, May, 2017
In 2013-2014, MicroLead hosted a series of knowledge sharing webinars for its partners and stakeholders. Links to the webinar materials are below.
Our first webinar took place on December 16th, 2013 and was facilitated by the MiX Market.
Our second webinar took place last Wednesday, February 12th. During this online session, facilitated by Cheryl Frankiewicz, our panel examined the concepts of human-centred design (HCD) and behaviour marketing. The presentations gave some insights on how MEDA with UGAFODE begun to apply these concepts not only to their product design, but also to their product communication and delivery together with ‘17Triggers’.
You can listen to the first part of the above webinar recording here and the second part here.
During our third webinar, we introduced two different tools and approach to SEMS, one tool developed by IFC and another by the international non-governmental organization Hivos. The tools address the profiles and activities of different types of institutions. The first tool discussed is the SEMS by IFC. The second tool is the Green Performance Agenda (GPA) created by Hivos.
Below you will find the links to the presentations, the recording and presentations.
Green Performance Agenda Toolkit for Microfinance
In MicroLead's fourth webinar, Kwaku Acheampong, Senior Supervisor, Corporate Planning, Budgeting and Reporting from Sinapi Aba (SASL), Ghana, presented on his institution's experience as it converted to deposit mobilization.
The fifth webinar, Challenges and Solutions to Extending Savings Services to Women in Rural Areas, was hosted by MicroLead partners in Ethiopia, Buusaa Gonofaa and Wasasa.
MicroLead's sixth, interactive session, held in January, 2015, introduced participants to Pafupi (“close by”), a savings initiative and agent network developed by NBS Bank and Women’s World Banking in Malawi. Speakers presented the business rationale, key consumer insights and market context for Pafupi. Drawing on practical experience from implementing Pafupi, the session demonstrated tools developed to select, recruit and monitor agents. You can view and download the presentation for the sixth webinar below.
The seventh webinar was held on May 7th, 2015, and surrounded the performance of Alternative Delivery Channels (ADCs). In 2014, The MasterCard Foundation engaged its partners to discuss the strategies that deposit-taking MFIs pursue with ADCs, key issues in managing the performance of these channels, and how the Foundation can support shared learning in this space. Partners are pursuing a range of strategies, often with similar objectives of client acquisition and retention, savings mobilization, cost reductions, and increased fee income. All the while, these strategies are pursued to improve access to financial services for the client. To support this learning in this space, BFA developed a set of metrics and key definitions that are contained in the ADC Performance Management Framework.
Download the seventh presentation below.
MicroLead's eight webinar was on “Engaging with Savings Groups-facilitated, spontaneous and combination.” This session focused on sharing the experience of three MicroLead Partners in linking with savings groups. The panel was composed of:
• Nathan Barigye, Manager Business Growth and Development at UGAFODE Microfinance Ltd (MDI) in Uganda
• Noel da’Cruz, Project Manager at CARE for the UNCDF-funded MicroLead project in Ghana
• Jean Thiboutot, leader of the WOCCU UNCDF-funded MicroLead Credit Union Growth Program in Rwanda